protecting life from fertilization to natural death

We are a small group of caring individuals who believe in the sanctity of all human life
from conception to natural death.
We are a small group of caring individuals who believe in the sanctity of all human life
from conception to natural death.
Join us on Sunday, March 2, 2025 at the Cass City Jr./Sr. High School from 2pm-5pm.
Come learn what it means to be pro-life.
All teens and chaperones are welcome!
**T-shirt design winner gets $200. Deadline to submit an entry is 02/10/25.
Register for the rally by 02/17/25 for Early Bird Drawings.
Register by clicking on the link below for the Teen Rally!
Open to any students age 12-19. All participants will receive a goody bag and a FREE T-SHIRT!
There will be food-prizes-breakout sessions.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Amy at 810-404-0860 to learn more.
Are you artistic or do you enjoy graphic design?
ENTER to WIN $200 for your wining PRO-LIFE T-Shirt design.
Submit your design by 2/10/25 to be judged . The winning design will be printed on the FREE T-Shirts that will be given out to all participants at the TEEN RALLY on March 2nd.
Submit your design by emailing it to by February 10, 2025.
All entries will receive an email response that your design was received. If you do not receive an email please call or text Amy at 810-404-0860.
We are happy to announce that our 16th Annual High School Oratory Contest will held be on Sunday, March 9, 2025 at 2:00 p.m. at the Sandusky Baptist Church, 34 Gaige St. in Sandusky.
This contest is free to enter and open to all high school students who are in 9th through 12th grade. Students need to research, write and give a 5-7 minute pro-life speech in front of a panel of judges, on one of these topics: Abortion, Infanticide, Euthanasia or Human Cloning/Embryonic Stem Cell Research.
We will award cash prizes to the top 3 winners. First place wins $400, second place wins $250 and third place receives $150. Our first place winner will be invited to give his/her speech at our annual benefit dinner on March 20th. The winner will also advance to the Right to Life of Michigan State Oratory Contest which will be held on Saturday, April 26, 2025 in East Lansing.
Please encourage any and all students to compete in this contest. Students have a good chance of winning some cash to help out for college or other expenses. It is open to public and home schooled students. You DO NOT need to reside in Sanilac County to compete. You must register for this contest by March 4, 2025. To get more information call Amy Roggenbuck at 810-404-0860 or send an email to Registration Forms and Contest Rules can be found in the Events tab.
Your presence is requested on Thursday, MARCH, 20, 2025 for our Annual "Focus on Life" Benefit Dinner which will be held at Countryside Free Methodist Church! We are pleased to have Peter M. Brooks as our guest speaker. Mr. Brooks is now retired after a 48 career in radio that began when he was in high school. Over 44 of those years were in Christian radio with the Family Life Radio network where he served as an on-air personality and Station Manger at several stations, mostly in Michigan. Peter has been on the board of Greater Lansing RTL and Albuquerque RTL. As a speaker he shares how a single talk he heard at a Christian radio conference in the mid-70s, caused him to move from a “pro-choice” to a prolife position and become actively involved in the RTL movement; emphasizing the impact one person can make.
If you would like to reserve your seat, please contact Amy Roggenbuck at 810-404-0860. Or you can print the reservation flyer. There is a link on the Events tab. Feel free to print it off and mail in your payment. We look forward to seeing you in March.
Your generous donation will fund our mission.
Sign up to hear from us about important news regarding our community education including our coming events and more.
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